My Story
Hello! I’m Danae Wolfe, macro photographer and conservation educator, and I officially launched Chasing Bugs in 2015 (though the seed was planted as early as 2010). I began photographing nature as a young girl, but it wasn’t until I took my first environmental studies course as a junior in college when I really fell in love with the natural world and environmental education. Around the same time, I got my first macro lens. That macro lens, paired with my newfound passion for environmental education, changed my photography—and my view on insects and spiders—forever. Through photography, public speaking, and writing, I teach others about the beauty, diversity, and importance of insects and spiders while sharing ways to support these animals in the home landscape.
Today, my work with Chasing Bugs exists at the intersection of ecology and horticulture. Inspired by work of scientists like Doug Tallamy, I strive to promote sustainable home landscape practices that support insects and spiders while while fostering appreciation of the beauty and diversity of bugs around the world.
Why learn about bugs?
I believe children and adults alike can benefit from learning about backyard insects and spiders. Research shows that children who participate in environmental education programs as youth are more likely to exhibit pro-environmental attitudes as adults. As such, providing environmental education and unstructured natural learning opportunities that shape children’s view of the natural world are important in growing the next generation of environmental stewards. And what better place to start than with bugs?
I grew up learning about deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and conservation issues plaguing wildlife in Africa. Rarely did I have formal learning opportunities that focused on nature in my own backyard. As a child, I was convinced that my backyard was decidedly not nature at all. I longed for the days I could leave Ohio and discover real nature. Then I uncovered a passion for photography and for bugs.
From the soils to the seas to the skies, insects and spiders are all around us. These small creatures are perhaps the most accessible form of wildlife on the planet. If we wish to teach youth about the importance of environmental stewardship, why not start with some of the littlest creatures that need the greatest help?
Ethics Statement
Be Kind to Earth and Its Creatures
I strive to use and teach macro photography techniques that allow photographers to capture images of living insects and spiders in their natural habitat. When an animal is moved or repositioned, it is done with care so as not to cause harm or disruption to natural life cycles and processes.
I strive to learn about and properly identify the animals I photograph so that others may learn.
I strive to live sustainably and walk upon this earth gently. I understand that we are temporary stewards—caretakers—of the land on which we live.
I strive to engage in landscape practices that promote stewardship of local plants and wildlife.